In My Shoes
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Why Don't I Blog Anymore?
Well, the truth is, that I have been blogging a little on another blog that I have....I haven't blogged on here in almost a year and I'm embarrassed to say why. However, at the request of some people I'm going to have to swallow my pride and ask for help....The reason I stopped bloggin on here is because I somehow changed my font, layout, whatever I did, and it makes all my blog so tiny, squishy, and even those I put in paragraphs it keeps it altogether as one and I can only separate them by do this: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... See, this is the only way I can make a separate paragraph and it's annoying....So, if any of you out there can guide me, instruct me, or suggest what I can do to change this annoyance, I can get back to blogging on here........I feel so dumb that I've let this hinder me! LOL!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
That's Because I Wanted To...
This past week my husband Jimmy, Anya, Gracie and I spent the week up at Word of Life in Schroon Lake, NY. During the course of the week Gracie used a certain phrase several times. "That's because I wanted to" was her response to several questions and situations...... Gracie, why did you let Anya take my glasses off the end table when I wasn't looking and break them?? "That's because I wanted to".....Gracie, why did you wake up Anya when she was taking a nap?? That's because I wanted to ... Gracie, why did you choose to cry and not finish your nuggets because Pooka told you to ask nicely for more ketchup?? That's because I wanted to.....Gracie, why did you push your food away at dinner when you knew you were going to be hungry later?? That's because I wanted to ....Gracie, why did you squat down and pick your nose during the ENTIRE closing children's program?? That's because I wanted to ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................As I was pondering this on the drive home I felt the LORD bring to my mind a series of questions: April, why do you snap at Jimmy when you know he's just trying to help sometimes?? *ashamed* That's because I wanted to....April, why do you ignore Me sometimes when I am clearly leading you to forgive something/someone?? *downcast* That's because I wanted to.......April, why do you gossip about her and tear her down in your heart?? *whispering with embarrassment* That's because I wanted to ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Dear LORD, May I no longer be a stubborn little child. Mold me and shape me in the love, kindness, and forgiving example of Jesus! ~Amen~
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Is Your Name....
There is a wonderful new game that I play with you, my Anya! It's SOOO much fun! .............................................
This is how it goes: Mommy says to you, "Is your name...Daniella???" and you shake your head back and forth and Mommy says, "Nooooooooooooooooo!"..."Is your name Sophia??" shake your head back and forth and Mommy says "Noooooooooooooooo!" and then Mommy asks you "Is your name, ANYA??" and you clap your hands and Mommy says, "YAY!!!!!!"............................................
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
7 Months Old!!
How can you be 7 months already, my Ani?? Such a big girl you are!! Here are a few things that you are doing/enjoying/not-enjoying-so-much at this time:
--1. You have your first tooth!! I noticed the big bump on Tuesday June 26th and on Sunday Morning July 8th it had busted through and it's so cute!!
--2. You LOVE bananas and avocado! These two things are your utter and COMPLETE favorites!! You also love your Gerber puff snacks!
--3. You are still army crawling although when you stop you go up onto all fours and then you stick your tushy waaaaaay up in the air and stand on your tiptoes and hands. You did this the other day in front of Dr. Gordina and she was exclaiming about how smart you are! Mommy was laughing because she kept "spitting" over her shoulder "tooey, tooey, tooey" whenever she spoke about you advancing so well! haha!
--4. You HATE carrots. Oh my sweet girl, you hate them so much! You know what they are whenever you see a flash of orange in your bowl!! Mommy cannot trick you into trying them anymore. You are quite stubborn about NOT eating them!
--5. You just started lifting your arms to me when you see me pass by your Jump-a-roo! It is SOOOO adorable that Mommy can't resist scooping you out even when I have things to do!!
--6. You absolutely LOVE when Seth or Gracie come into the room! You get SOOO extremely excited and you love their attention! If they are playing with other kids when we're out and you see them you babble and wiggled with your eyes fixed on them. I know you are trying to call them over! And when they finally DO come over to you, you look SOOO pleased and you reward them with a huge smile and LOTS of laughing! They love this so very much!
--7. You enjoy your baths now! You get bathed in the kitchen sink after Mommy scrubs it down. Since you sit up very well on your own, this is a lot of fun for you! Your favorite bath to is a terry cloth fish from Miss Kristi. You love to dunk it and suck the water out! haha!
--8. You drink from a straw and it's one of your favorite things to do! Dr. Gordina told me last month to start teaching you to drink from it so we could avoid sippy cups. Lo, and behold, after only 3 weeks you know exactly what to do although most of the water dribbles out of your mouth since you suck up too much!
--9. You sleep 10-11 hours straight through the night!(I call you my Golden Ticket)!! When you do wake up around 7am you lay in your crib and talk to the animals on your bumper and wait for Mommy to wake up to get you. Mommy does take advantage sometimes, I'm sorry, but your insistent holler after about 45 minutes lets me know that I've abused your generosity!
--10. You look EXACTLY like Daddy...but you act EXACTLY like Mommy and I love every little bit of you!!
~Anya Jo-Ella, you are absolutely priceless and I am so in love with you! Jesus gave you to me to be my very own and I could NEVER repay Him for the blessing that is YOU!!~
Monday, June 25, 2012
Little things...
-I love that Gracie calls you "Anya Gee-Oh-Jah!"...
-I love how you smell when you get out of your bath...
-I love how you light up when you see your Seth and you start to "run" in place...
-I love how you "walrus crawl" because you're not content with army crawling any longer but you cannot seem to figure out how to move your hands when you're on all fours...
-I love how you think that when Mommy says "NO!" when you've crawled to touch the Wii, that it's a game!...Mommy had to compromise and move the Wii out of reach...
-I love that you not only sleep 10-11 hours straight through (for the record, I'd love you even if you didn't) but you wake up so happy and talk to the little forest animals on your bumper until Mommy comes to get you
-I love that you "sing" in your stroller when we walk around outside. That monotone note that you hold "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh" is music to your Momma's ears and I LOVE it!
-I love when you pick up your little puff snacks to eat them and then forget your holding them and get upset because they've disappeared from your tray!
-I love when I hear you telling Daddy all these "stories" and you sound so serious!
-I love when you kiss me!! You're so proud when you put your open mouth on my cheek, lick me, and then smack your lips!! You are so YUMMY and I can't get enough!!!!!!!!
-I love hearing you laugh when we dance and I twirl you around...Momma doesn't do too well with circles but I will twirl you just to hear you laugh!
-I love loving you, Anya Jo-Ella!
Life isn't perfect but you make my days brighter! I love you, sweet girl!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I love....
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Well That Didn't Work...
Sorry blog diary, I am much too busy living my life to write about it...peace out!!
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