My dear friend, Dorothy, keeps reminding me that I have yet to answer more questions, from my post from over a year ago, about wondering what it is like to be expecting!
I can officially answer another 3 1/2 questions! =)
Q4. What's it like to walk into the OB/GYN for the first time knowing that your expecting? Do you chatter more excitedly with the nurses and receptionist?
A. Walking into my midwife's office for the very first time was nerve wracking. I had applied for Medicaid in May, as soon as I received the official confirmation from Solutions Pregnancy. This is something they require you to send them. By the end of June I had sent in all my paperwork and thought that perhaps I could see my midwife for prenatal care, paying out of pocket until Medicaid would kick in (sometime in July) and reimburse me. The first midwife office would not accept me unless I paid $600 up front, 10% of all prenatal care charges, and $3,000 for blood work. Speaking with the billing office trying to work something out I was simply told "why don't you go to Planned Parenthood"...talk about crying! I knew this was NOT who I wanted to treat my pregnancy and birth. My second midwife choice was nice enough, and had agreed to treat me for free until Medicaid kicked in, but once she saw my hypertension she wanted nothing to do with me. She recommended another midwife and I met with her in mid July and she was simply WONDERFUL! Her office allowed me to pay out of pocket until Medicaid kicked in, with no 10% down, or any other hoops to jump through! I met with the OB as well and he is such an AMAZING doctor! He LISTENED to me, looked me in the eye, called my daughter a "precious little one", and acted like we were old friends the moment we met! The LORD truly blessed me by leading me to this office and I am so thankful!...So to make a long story short, (too late), my REAL first visit, with my TRUE midwife and OB was VERY exciting and yes, I did chatter excitedly to the receptionists because they are SOOOO nice!!
Q.5. What's it like when the doctor says the "official" congratulations? Even though they, no doubt, say it multiple times a day, does it sound different when you're hearing it? As if they must truly mean it more because this will be the most perfect baby ever?
A. The "official" congrats actually came from the Solutions ultra sound tech. We had an amazing visit and seeing that tiny heartbeat was such a precious, beautiful sight! The "congratulations" did sound different to me because I had to keep reminding myself that she was talking to ME, not my friend, or my sister, but ME!!
6. What is it like to see that fuzzy, gray image up on that screen and to hear that tud, tud, tud of a small heartbeat? Do you cry? Do you smile ear to ear and have no words at that moment?
A. Seeing that fuzzy gray image was SO AWESOME!! I did cry the first time I saw her and I was smiling ear to ear as well! She was too tiny the first time we saw her to hear her heart beat, but last Monday as we were checked by Dr. G, I got to SEE her AND hear her heartbeat which was strong and healthy. There are no words to describe it! It was amazing!
7. What is it like to feel your baby kick the first time? Is is defined or does it feel like a gas bubble? hehe What is it like when you see your husband's face as he feels the baby move for the first time?
A. When I first felt Anya kick, I KNEW she had kicked me! It was Mon July 18th and I was laying on the couch during naptime. I was watching Ina Garten cook something delicious when all of the sudden there was this small, but very defined 'thump thump" on my protruding belly. I sat straight up and kinda stared down, knowing it was her kicking, but afraid to talk or walk in hopes that she would do it again for me! haha!It was so cool!! ... It is still too early for anyone to feel her on the outside, so part two of this question must wait for next time =)