BLOG...what is it? I looked it up! It's a portmanteau (pronounced port-man-toe) of the words "web log"...very cool, ya learn something new every day! That's why I'm here....no, not to teach you new, hard-to-pronounce words, but to learn something new.
I decided to start my own blog after reading, with oodles of interest, the blogs of some very godly women. Suzette and Kristi have both been blogging for a long while now, and while I have just recently began reading their posts, I decided very quickly that this is something of increasing interest to me.
I was feeling kind of stalker-ish, hovering over their blog posts the past few days. The stories they shared, the life lessons they've learned, the family fun photos, the memories...all of them were so addicting to me! I wanted to read more! I wanted to laugh (2 year old Julia's interaction with 1 year old brother Mark) and cry (Suzette's tribute to her Mama, who is with Jesus). I have a good handful of new recipes to try now (thank you, ladies!) and even some awesome life applications regarding how to treat my husband, and how to organize my clutter!
I look forward to sharing my life: my past, my present and my hopes for the future...so much to share, so much to learn...
Psalm 71:5 "For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you."
I'm following! I want to read what you have to say!