I don't wanna forget: how you call your little kiddie pool on my porch your "cool"
I don't wanna forget: How you come into my house every weekday morning and peek around from the mud room and throw me that adorable look where you try not to smile but can't help it and lunge for me
I don't wanna forget: How you tell me you're gonna put "Pooka's baby" in the swing and push her. You practice with your dolly and tell me "gent-y, right, Pooka? I do it gent-y?"
I don't wanna forget: How you see other little children at the library, the store, or park/beach that are not being very good listeners to their mommies and daddies and you whisper to me, "Pooka? Dat boy (or "geal") is being nauuuu-dee"
I don't wanna forget: How you call my name when you wake up from nap! It's so cute!
I don't wanna forget: How you love your "Brudder Seff". You love to hug him and kiss him when he's waking up from nap time.
I don't wanna forget: How your prayers before lunchtime take 5 minutes because you have to thank Jesus for every goldfishie and PB&J triangle on your plate. As well as every apple slice, your cup of water, your plate, schooltime, and Pooka's baby!
I don't wanna forget: How you run to me at my rocking chair and say, "I wanna hold you"
I don't wanna forget: How serious you take checking on my belly every day. You feel around, stroke the bump and ask if Pooka's baby is "sleeeeeeeeeeping" and "when's she gonna be here? I wanna seeeeeeeee hers"
I don't wanna forget: How you love the book "Don't Ever Let Your Cat Make Lunch For You" and "the baby with his purple 'tray-on'", aka Harold and the Purple Crayon
I don't wanna forget: How you LOVE to organize things into patterns and straight lines. I still can't believe how neat you are and how concentrated you get when gluing things for a school project a certain way
I don't wanna forget: How you gave Gracie her nickname of "Drey" because Pooka started calling her "Gray" and you say your "G"'s with a "D" sound!
I don't wanna forget: How you pretend to keep sleeping after you wake up from nap. You make Gracie laugh so hard when you hide under the blanket and she can't see you!
I don't wanna forget: How much you LOVE to cook and bake! You drag me to the kitchen with the phrase, "Pooka, I wanna show you" and it usually involves getting the chocolate chips out to bake cookies or pulling your chair to the counter so you can reach up to the Kitchen Aid mixer and ask to "make some-pin yummy"
You two are my precious pride and joy! I love how much you love me! I love that you both call Anya, "Baby Ana" because you can't quite pronounce the "y" sound of her name! She is going to be so loved by you both and she is going to love you in return! Even though she won't be able to share your milk or sleep in your bed like you want her to, Seth, or swing super fast at the park like you want her to, Gray, (at least for a while!)she is going to love the time she has with you. I will not love either of you any less just because this baby came from my belly. All 3 of you are my babies and are unique in the most awesome ways!
I don't wanna forget: ONE SECOND OF ANYTHING!! GOD has given me this awesome time with you and I wanna bask in all of it!
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