Oh my Lovey-girl I get to meet you so soon! To hold you and kiss you and love you! I can't wait!
At this very moment you have your feet tucked up on my left side pressing into my ribs. It's quite uncomfortable but I love that you are so big that you're running out of room! This means that you'll be here before I know it! I love you, my precious treasure! You are an amazing gift from the LORD and I look forward to every moment I will spend with you!
p.s. your hiccups at 5am this morning were so cute. Did you know that when Mommy gets hiccups it makes her mad? It really does! Mommy doesn't get mad often but hiccups REALLY bother me!...Guess What? I have noticed when you get them you kick me SUPER hard after each one. I think you may take after me! =)
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