Saturday, October 6, 2012
Is Your Name....
There is a wonderful new game that I play with you, my Anya! It's SOOO much fun! .............................................
This is how it goes: Mommy says to you, "Is your name...Daniella???" and you shake your head back and forth and Mommy says, "Nooooooooooooooooo!"..."Is your name Sophia??" shake your head back and forth and Mommy says "Noooooooooooooooo!" and then Mommy asks you "Is your name, ANYA??" and you clap your hands and Mommy says, "YAY!!!!!!"............................................
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
7 Months Old!!
How can you be 7 months already, my Ani?? Such a big girl you are!! Here are a few things that you are doing/enjoying/not-enjoying-so-much at this time:
--1. You have your first tooth!! I noticed the big bump on Tuesday June 26th and on Sunday Morning July 8th it had busted through and it's so cute!!
--2. You LOVE bananas and avocado! These two things are your utter and COMPLETE favorites!! You also love your Gerber puff snacks!
--3. You are still army crawling although when you stop you go up onto all fours and then you stick your tushy waaaaaay up in the air and stand on your tiptoes and hands. You did this the other day in front of Dr. Gordina and she was exclaiming about how smart you are! Mommy was laughing because she kept "spitting" over her shoulder "tooey, tooey, tooey" whenever she spoke about you advancing so well! haha!
--4. You HATE carrots. Oh my sweet girl, you hate them so much! You know what they are whenever you see a flash of orange in your bowl!! Mommy cannot trick you into trying them anymore. You are quite stubborn about NOT eating them!
--5. You just started lifting your arms to me when you see me pass by your Jump-a-roo! It is SOOOO adorable that Mommy can't resist scooping you out even when I have things to do!!
--6. You absolutely LOVE when Seth or Gracie come into the room! You get SOOO extremely excited and you love their attention! If they are playing with other kids when we're out and you see them you babble and wiggled with your eyes fixed on them. I know you are trying to call them over! And when they finally DO come over to you, you look SOOO pleased and you reward them with a huge smile and LOTS of laughing! They love this so very much!
--7. You enjoy your baths now! You get bathed in the kitchen sink after Mommy scrubs it down. Since you sit up very well on your own, this is a lot of fun for you! Your favorite bath to is a terry cloth fish from Miss Kristi. You love to dunk it and suck the water out! haha!
--8. You drink from a straw and it's one of your favorite things to do! Dr. Gordina told me last month to start teaching you to drink from it so we could avoid sippy cups. Lo, and behold, after only 3 weeks you know exactly what to do although most of the water dribbles out of your mouth since you suck up too much!
--9. You sleep 10-11 hours straight through the night!(I call you my Golden Ticket)!! When you do wake up around 7am you lay in your crib and talk to the animals on your bumper and wait for Mommy to wake up to get you. Mommy does take advantage sometimes, I'm sorry, but your insistent holler after about 45 minutes lets me know that I've abused your generosity!
--10. You look EXACTLY like Daddy...but you act EXACTLY like Mommy and I love every little bit of you!!
~Anya Jo-Ella, you are absolutely priceless and I am so in love with you! Jesus gave you to me to be my very own and I could NEVER repay Him for the blessing that is YOU!!~
Monday, June 25, 2012
Little things...
-I love that Gracie calls you "Anya Gee-Oh-Jah!"...
-I love how you smell when you get out of your bath...
-I love how you light up when you see your Seth and you start to "run" in place...
-I love how you "walrus crawl" because you're not content with army crawling any longer but you cannot seem to figure out how to move your hands when you're on all fours...
-I love how you think that when Mommy says "NO!" when you've crawled to touch the Wii, that it's a game!...Mommy had to compromise and move the Wii out of reach...
-I love that you not only sleep 10-11 hours straight through (for the record, I'd love you even if you didn't) but you wake up so happy and talk to the little forest animals on your bumper until Mommy comes to get you
-I love that you "sing" in your stroller when we walk around outside. That monotone note that you hold "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh" is music to your Momma's ears and I LOVE it!
-I love when you pick up your little puff snacks to eat them and then forget your holding them and get upset because they've disappeared from your tray!
-I love when I hear you telling Daddy all these "stories" and you sound so serious!
-I love when you kiss me!! You're so proud when you put your open mouth on my cheek, lick me, and then smack your lips!! You are so YUMMY and I can't get enough!!!!!!!!
-I love hearing you laugh when we dance and I twirl you around...Momma doesn't do too well with circles but I will twirl you just to hear you laugh!
-I love loving you, Anya Jo-Ella!
Life isn't perfect but you make my days brighter! I love you, sweet girl!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I love....
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Well That Didn't Work...
Sorry blog diary, I am much too busy living my life to write about it...peace out!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday May 13,2012
Dear Diary,
Today is Mother's Day! This is the second one that I will celebrate. Life begins at conception and therefore last year was my first Mother's Day, even though Anya was no bigger than my pinky nail :D Today we gave Nana and great-Grandma Barbara their presents! They both LOVED their beautiful picture frames of Anya!! I am so thankful for these "adopted" grandparents in our lives. Since both sets of Anya's grandparents are deceased it's so wonderful that these ladies step lovingly into the roll!! After church, I cleaned Anya's dresser drawers and packed away her 6-9 month clothing since she no longer fits into them. For my Mother's Day lunch I had a sub from Riddle & Martin (yum!) and watched the Mets play the Florida Marlins...they lost! UGH! I'm a glutton for punishment as a Mets fan, LOL! In the evening we trekked down to the Beisser's and had a nice little visit. We watched an episode of Angel and came home to bed. It was so warm last night that my poor Anya kept waking up! She is having a tough time handling heat. I am the same way! I'd rather deal with cold and snow then heat and humidity! Looking forward to Rachel's 10th birthday tomorrow!!
Dear Jesus, Thank You for allowing me to be a mommy! I love it so very, very much! Anya is so very precious to me and I love every moment with her. I love You!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday May 12, 2012
Dear Diary,
Today was a quiet day. I woke with Anya about 7:45 and we snuggled and talked with Daddy in bed for a while until he had to get ready for work. Since Jimmy's car is still not running I dropped him at Kohl's at 10am. Anya and I went shopping for a bit to get presents for Jon, Bailey, and Brandt since we're going up to PA for their party next Saturday. Aunt Susie came over on the afternoon for a bit and we also sat in the glider on the porch and talked with our neighbors Kristen and Debbie. We picked up Daddy at 6pm and had a quick dinner of McDonald's takeout. The evening spent rocking in the cool evening air on the porch and putting the last touches on picture frames for Nana and Great-Grandma Barbara for Mother's Day tomorrow! They came out beautifully! What a nice day!
Dear LORD,Thank you for the days of laid back quietness. Days when its easy to breathe and not so hectic. Thank you for inventing cool breezes. They feel wonderful, oh so wonderful! I love You!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
A Challenge
Yesterday after a wonderful birthday celebration lunch, my friend Dorothy and I sat on my couch talking. I had found my diary from 1995 that morning and I was sharing a few things in it. Over the course of our conversation Dorothy began reading entries and we were discussing where she remembers she was on that particular day 17 years ago. We were having a good time laughing about what 16 year old April had to say, LOL!
Then it dawned on me. I don't write like I used to. I'm not keeping track of the day to day things that happen in my life.
Therefore, I have challenged myself to write at least ONE paragraph each day, for a whole month, like my diary in 1995,and just share a little about what GOD is doing in my life. I want to do it for one month because I want to start small and one year seems so daunting! LOL! :D
So here we go!
Friday May 11,2012
Dear Blog-Diary,
Today Anya is 5 months! Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I was in labor! My Squinky is getting so big! She was 19.8 pounds and 27inches at yesterday's checkup! That's a 3 pound gain and a 1 inch growth since last month! My big, lovey girl!
I woke up to nurse Ani at 6:45 and then Jimmy took her downstairs when she was done because he lets me sleep in on Fridays! Woo hoo! At 10:15 Dorothy came with Katie, Jo & Mir in tow because we were going to The Turning Point Restaurant to celebrate my birthday which was last Monday. I had lobster eggs Benedict and it was certainly yummy! Dorothy says she's going to go there alone on Mother's Day morning, LOL!!
After brunch we dropped her kids off and then spent the next few hours talking on my couch. After that Susie and Jordan came over and Jimmy came home from work. J & J worked on fixing Jimmy's car while Susie and I talked inside and I made truffles...they were SOOOO good!! I love truffles!!! haha!
For dinner we had pizza from Franco's and I made a yummy salad to go with it. Afterwards, I took a walk around the neighborhood with Anya, Paula, Rachel, Mary, Nora, and Paula's Mom's dog, Fancy...We had a good time chatting and Nora was so hysterical! She was walking ahead and kept turning around and calling "mooooom" and sticking her tushy at us!! Ahahaha! I told Paula I was going to have to bite her when I got a hold of her because she was so yummy! LOL! Rachel took a tumble off of her scooter so the walk came to an end and we sat in Paula's backyard until it got dark.
Steve, Paula, and I watched an episode of HEAVY on Netflix (we are all trying to lose weight and this show is amazingly inspiring). At around 10pm, Jimmy came down and joined us and we watched Lie To Me, another great show :D
We came home and went to bed! Jimmy has to work tomorrow and I'm looking forward to perhaps seeing the Haines girls in their piano recital at 3:30!
Thank You, LORD, for this wonderful day with friends and family. You have given me so much to be thankful for! Thank You for my 5 month old baby! I love her so much! Amen~
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Jimmy: 1...April: 0
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Fun Facts!

12 Facts About Me
1. I can say the list of presidents forward and backward and did so at a WOL talent show in 2004. I was SOOOOOOO nervous!
2. I used to think that GOD would literally TELL me what I was going to be when I grew up and I asked Him several times as a child and waited patiently, sometimes for 15 min or so, for Him to answer.
3. I invented a game called "Grouchy Granny and her Caddy" on Dec 31, 1994 for my littlest sister, Susie, and we STILL remind each other of it every New Year's Eve! haha!
4. 1995 is the ONLY year that I have a COMPLETE diary.
5. I was due in April but the doc stopped my Mom's labor 3 different times because he said I was too small. I was born May 7 at 10 lbs 5 oz!
6. My mom was going to name my older sister ,Sharon, "April", but there was a little girl in Sunday School named April that drove her crazy so she opted not to. When I came around 2 years later the little girl was gone and I received my name because Mom liked it, not because I had been due in April :)
7. My Dad used to pick me up by the back pockets of my jeans and dangle me...I LOVED this so much! One day when I was 4 the pockets ripped and I fell from his arms...I remember this! LOL!!! (Mom was so mad! haha!)
8. It has always been my dream to have 9 children. Now that I've been through labor, I can honestly say anyone who wants to do that 9 times is CRAZY!!! So, I will hopefully have 2 set of triplets and 1 set of twins so I only have to go through labor 3 more times and still have my 9 children :D
9. I love to text! If I hear my phone ringing I will not always go over and look at it. If I hear it text, I will check it
10. I have NEVER had my own room and I would be scared to death if I had to sleep alone!
11. I like to work. I used to work a second job at Target (6pm-11pm) after my full-time job (7:30am-4pm) just for fun!
12. I am a numbers girl. I like to twist them, turn them, convert them, & flip them all around! Numbers can keep you occupied for hours!
The following are questions from Suzette! :)
Where were you born?
I was born in St Peter's Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ
Why do you blog?
I blog when I have so many thoughts in my head that I have to get them out and typing is faster than writing :D
How many states and/or countries have you lived in?
I have lived in South River, NJ my entire life. Gordon St, Chestnut St, Water St, and Jackson St
How many occupations have you had? Which was your favorite?
I was a summer teacher at Crossroads Country Daycare in 1997. I was a QC supervisor at Michael Graphics, I worked at Target and I am a Mommy...Mommy is DEF the BEST!!!!!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
right smack dab in the middle of GOD'S WILL!
What is your favorite recipe, meal, or dessert?
Black Tie Mousse Cake from the Olive Garden! WOW-WEE!!!!!
What is your favorite way to spend an evening?
at home with my baby and my hubby. A nice meal, a cold & rainy night, and the 3 of us together!
Other than your spouse (if applicable) who is the one person you are closest to?
Paula. She and I have been best friends since 2006 and we can literally complete each others thoughts and sentences!! :D
Are you a schedule person or a go with the flow person?
If there's a schedule, I'm ON it and I don't like to be late or stray from it. But, I am not usually the one to make daily schedules. I clean what needs cleaning, wash what needs washing, and cook what needs cooking that day.
What, if any, books have you read in the last year? Which was your favorite?
I read A LOT of birthing books in the last year (obviously) along with other books and I honestly am not sure of my favorite. They all helped me in one way or another!
Do you have an iPhone, iPad, etc.? What is your favorite app to use?
I do not have any of the above
Do you receive any magazine subscriptions? Which do you prefer and why?
I do not currently receive any subscriptions, but when I did I liked Disney's Family Fun Magazine
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Desire of My Heart ~Part 1

Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
The Birth of Anya~ GOD'S Special Gift to James & April Dynarski
Saturday December 10,2011
5:08am~ April awakens feeling odd. She decides to take a warm bath. She doesn't realize this is labor and feels its just last night's dinner barking around
5:46am~ After her bath April stalks people on Facebook hoping it will make her tired so she can fall back asleep. She is feeling monthly cramps in her lower abdomen that seem to be swelling every few minutes. Having spent the last week having several hours of Braxton-Hix she is not phased by these cramps since there are no "real" contractions.
6-7am~ April is trying to sleep, but every 4-5 minutes the cramps are swelling high enough to need to roll onto all fours and moan lightly. This is about when it dawned on her that this IS labor!! She texts Dorothy and says she believes this could be it!
7-8am~ April sounds the "alarm" to her friend Paula informing her to shower 'cause her niece is on the way!! April no longer wishes to be alone and heads to wake up Jimmy. She opens the door, Jimmy stirs and looks up. April smiles and tells him to jump in the shower. Jimmy blinks lazily and April tells him, "I'm in labor"...Jimmy bolts from the bed and runs to shower!! (haha! I love this! He was so excited he forgot to kiss me good morning!)
8-10am~ Dorothy & Paula arrive. They meet me upstairs in my bedroom and we chat excitedly, stopping every 5-8 min to work through the not-so-bad contractions...April make the decision to tell her siblings she is in labor. Before she can text her brother, Phil, he sends a text that states, "Can Anya come out and play today?"...This was an awesome text! He just had this feeling that she was coming soon even though it was 6 days before her due date!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
The Final Answers
Q-9. What runs through your head when you realize you're in labor? Is it joy? Fear? Anxiety? Excitement?
A. When I first realized I was in labor it was exciting! I was all alone and had been for 2 hours since it was the wee hours of the morning. There was no fear or anxiety. I completely trusted that my body knew what to do.
(I won't ask how labor feels. I once had a severe stomach infection and the doctor told me later that the pain I was experiencing was equivalent to contractions in a pregnant woman, except unlike contractions my pain had no pauses...I remember that well, I was screaming the whole way to the ER!)... LOL! For the record, the first 20 hours of contractions felt equivalent to the stomach infection pain, however, the later contractions were definitely WORSE!!!
10. What's it like to hear that first cry? To see you baby for the first time? To hold your baby for the first time? What's it like to look down and know that this precious baby is half you and half your husband and s/he was formed and knit together by an Awesome and Amazing GOD??
A. I was in a daze! A very strange, alternate universe feeling, high-as-a-kite, daze and they put this warm, squirmy, grayish, squealing baby on my and she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! It was so surreal and I couldn't believe this perfectly formed baby had been inside of me that whole time!! It was wonderful!!
(My next post will be about my labor, so more details to come!)
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