Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
The Birth of Anya~ GOD'S Special Gift to James & April Dynarski
Saturday December 10,2011
5:08am~ April awakens feeling odd. She decides to take a warm bath. She doesn't realize this is labor and feels its just last night's dinner barking around
5:46am~ After her bath April stalks people on Facebook hoping it will make her tired so she can fall back asleep. She is feeling monthly cramps in her lower abdomen that seem to be swelling every few minutes. Having spent the last week having several hours of Braxton-Hix she is not phased by these cramps since there are no "real" contractions.
6-7am~ April is trying to sleep, but every 4-5 minutes the cramps are swelling high enough to need to roll onto all fours and moan lightly. This is about when it dawned on her that this IS labor!! She texts Dorothy and says she believes this could be it!
7-8am~ April sounds the "alarm" to her friend Paula informing her to shower 'cause her niece is on the way!! April no longer wishes to be alone and heads to wake up Jimmy. She opens the door, Jimmy stirs and looks up. April smiles and tells him to jump in the shower. Jimmy blinks lazily and April tells him, "I'm in labor"...Jimmy bolts from the bed and runs to shower!! (haha! I love this! He was so excited he forgot to kiss me good morning!)
8-10am~ Dorothy & Paula arrive. They meet me upstairs in my bedroom and we chat excitedly, stopping every 5-8 min to work through the not-so-bad contractions...April make the decision to tell her siblings she is in labor. Before she can text her brother, Phil, he sends a text that states, "Can Anya come out and play today?"...This was an awesome text! He just had this feeling that she was coming soon even though it was 6 days before her due date!!
Seriously, April! This is such a tease! I can't wait for part 2!
ReplyDeletewhere's the rest??
ReplyDeleteGood question!! I completely forgot to finish this!! Part 2 coming up ASAP!