12 Facts About Me
1. I can say the list of presidents forward and backward and did so at a WOL talent show in 2004. I was SOOOOOOO nervous!
2. I used to think that GOD would literally TELL me what I was going to be when I grew up and I asked Him several times as a child and waited patiently, sometimes for 15 min or so, for Him to answer.
3. I invented a game called "Grouchy Granny and her Caddy" on Dec 31, 1994 for my littlest sister, Susie, and we STILL remind each other of it every New Year's Eve! haha!
4. 1995 is the ONLY year that I have a COMPLETE diary.
5. I was due in April but the doc stopped my Mom's labor 3 different times because he said I was too small. I was born May 7 at 10 lbs 5 oz!
6. My mom was going to name my older sister ,Sharon, "April", but there was a little girl in Sunday School named April that drove her crazy so she opted not to. When I came around 2 years later the little girl was gone and I received my name because Mom liked it, not because I had been due in April :)
7. My Dad used to pick me up by the back pockets of my jeans and dangle me...I LOVED this so much! One day when I was 4 the pockets ripped and I fell from his arms...I remember this! LOL!!! (Mom was so mad! haha!)
8. It has always been my dream to have 9 children. Now that I've been through labor, I can honestly say anyone who wants to do that 9 times is CRAZY!!! So, I will hopefully have 2 set of triplets and 1 set of twins so I only have to go through labor 3 more times and still have my 9 children :D
9. I love to text! If I hear my phone ringing I will not always go over and look at it. If I hear it text, I will check it
10. I have NEVER had my own room and I would be scared to death if I had to sleep alone!
11. I like to work. I used to work a second job at Target (6pm-11pm) after my full-time job (7:30am-4pm) just for fun!
12. I am a numbers girl. I like to twist them, turn them, convert them, & flip them all around! Numbers can keep you occupied for hours!
The following are questions from Suzette! :)
Where were you born?
I was born in St Peter's Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ
Why do you blog?
I blog when I have so many thoughts in my head that I have to get them out and typing is faster than writing :D
How many states and/or countries have you lived in?
I have lived in South River, NJ my entire life. Gordon St, Chestnut St, Water St, and Jackson St
How many occupations have you had? Which was your favorite?
I was a summer teacher at Crossroads Country Daycare in 1997. I was a QC supervisor at Michael Graphics, I worked at Target and I am a Mommy...Mommy is DEF the BEST!!!!!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
right smack dab in the middle of GOD'S WILL!
What is your favorite recipe, meal, or dessert?
Black Tie Mousse Cake from the Olive Garden! WOW-WEE!!!!!
What is your favorite way to spend an evening?
at home with my baby and my hubby. A nice meal, a cold & rainy night, and the 3 of us together!
Other than your spouse (if applicable) who is the one person you are closest to?
Paula. She and I have been best friends since 2006 and we can literally complete each others thoughts and sentences!! :D
Are you a schedule person or a go with the flow person?
If there's a schedule, I'm ON it and I don't like to be late or stray from it. But, I am not usually the one to make daily schedules. I clean what needs cleaning, wash what needs washing, and cook what needs cooking that day.
What, if any, books have you read in the last year? Which was your favorite?
I read A LOT of birthing books in the last year (obviously) along with other books and I honestly am not sure of my favorite. They all helped me in one way or another!
Do you have an iPhone, iPad, etc.? What is your favorite app to use?
I do not have any of the above
Do you receive any magazine subscriptions? Which do you prefer and why?
I do not currently receive any subscriptions, but when I did I liked Disney's Family Fun Magazine