I am expecting my first child!!!!!
I've waited my whole life to write that!! April 15, 2011 will forever remain in my heart and mind as a day when I saw an answer to a prayer that I have prayer for many, many, many, many years!!
August 1, 2010, I blogged about wanting to be a mommy. It was kind of a sad post as I poured my heart and soul out in writing. I cried as I wrote it, I cried as I proofread it and I cried as my friends read it. I haven't looked back at it since that day and I was elated to read it this morning! The best part was that I can now answer 3 of the 10 questions I asked. So here we go!!!
Q1.What is it like to look down after three min and see two pinks lines? What runs through your head? Does your heart skip an excited beat?
A. Well, here's what happened. I thought I had an ovarian cyst that was preventing my period from coming and so I woke up that morning and decided that I would try to find a natural herb or vitamin that would aid the cyst in dissipating. It was then that a little voice inside told me to just check to be sure I wasn't pregnant. I had one test (a Clear Blue digital) left and so I did was was required and laid the test on the bathroom counter and walked away. Gracie was awake and I was like 99.99999% sure that I wasn't pregnant and I was just doing this to be cautious before I took any kind of new herb. After we were dressed and headed downstairs to breakfast I remembered the test and thought I'd better grab it. I peeked my head around the corner and looked down at the test and there in all it's glory was the word PREGNANT!!...."OH MY GOODNESSS, THANK YOU!!!!" is what ran through my head! I thought I was dreaming and I walked out of the bathroom on shaky legs and fell next to the bed and pressed my head to the floor praising GOD and thanking Him over and over and over as I bawled my eyes out! Gracie sat on the bed quite amused at the scene. haha!....I'm not sure of my heart skipped a beat or not. It was so full of love and worship that I really am not sure if it was skipping or leaping!!
Q2. What's it like in those precious moments after seeing the pink lines? Do you look in the mirror and beam back at your gleaming eyes? Do you start thinking of how to tell your husband in the most perfect way?
A. Those precious moments are equal to nothing else I have ever felt in my ENTIRE life! Praising the LORD and thanking Him for the life inside of me is something I cannot explain, there are just not enough words!...I didn't look at myself in the mirror until later on and when I did, my eyes were indeed GLEAMING!...No, I did not start thinking of how to tell Jimmy in the most perfect way. I kinda just walked with the test in one hand and Gracie on my hip and walked into the bedroom where he was sleeping soundly and cried my eyes out over him saying, "
Q3. What is it like to see the faces of beloved friends and family when you tell them the news? Are the images of their widened eyes, and shrilling shrieks seared into your mind forever?
A. Paula and Steve were the first ones we told. They arrived at my house at 8am. (Paula to run with me, and Steve to have breakfast with Jimmy). I was holding Gracie and I turned to Paula and told her that I had talked with Jimmy and I wanted her to go somewhere with me. She later told me that she was wondering what kind of scheme I had come up with that Jimmy had agreed to! LOL! Anyway, so I said," It will be on or around December 16th" at which point she burst into tears and started jumping up and down and ran over and said, "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" and kissed and stroked my belly!! hahahahaha! that was the best ever! After lots of hugging and lots more hugging and lots of tears and lots more hugging the boys headed out for coffee and I texted Dorothy to see if she was up yet. She was!! (oh yes and it was her birthday so she thought I wanted to come walk with her for her birthday...PERFECT excuse!! haha! She didn't suspect a thing!) Dorothy was waiting outside as we pulled up and as Paula took Gracie out for me I hugged Dorothy and told her that Paula and I were going somewhere in Dec and we wanted to know if she would come with us. She immediately gasped and said, "DISNEY WORLD!!!" (This is our dream, that one day the 3 of us will be able to go to Disney World together when it's decorated for Christmas). I said "Noooooooo, it's on or around Dec 16th" and she stared at me quizzically and asked, "Where are you going?" and I replied, "into labor!" Her face went from questioning to ecstatic in like a nanosecond and she started screaming and jumping up and down!! LOL! It was quite a sight and very exciting, I'll never forget it! It is def seared into my mind and heart forever!
There are many other great stories about how I told others. Most of them thought I was playing a late April Fools joke! haha! Especially my baby sister, who was celebrating her 25th birthday!!! haha! What a wonderful day!
Extra Special moment: Realizing that on that very day, in 1986, my Mommy was so joyful and happy, having given birth to my sister, and 25 years later, I felt the joy and happiness of discovering my fist baby is on the way!
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."(Psalm 37:4)
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSniff! Still crying day 4. I am crying as much as the pregnant lady! I love you so much my Freni, it could not have happened to a better Mom! I can't wait to hold you little Peep! Are you a pink Peep or a Blue Peep?
ReplyDeleteit is so exciting!