The following is a diary entry from December 5, 2007. This is one of my favorites!!! Enjoy, and perhaps take a moment to thank our Awesome LORD for what He has blessed YOU with!
People, People People!!!! Listen up! I had the most AMAZING dream last week and I MUST tell you all about it! I even have a title for it so read on.....
It's a Wonderful Life II
Before I begin let me set the mood. Lately Jimmy and I have been discussing our finances and although we trust that the Lord will always provide for us, I've been struggling with guilt. My guilt is that I never went to college. You see, it was my dream to go to college and become a chiropractor. My mama and daddy used to struggle with back pain and neck pain (hehehe have you met my siblings? you'd have a pain in the neck if you did hehehe). OK back to seriousness, I used to tell them that after I went to college I would treat them for free and always take care of them. Well, I never went. I put it off and went to work to help support the family. Now I'm not being a martyr here, I'm glad I went to work and I was very happy to help support everything. Besides now that I think back, I'm glad I stuck around for all those years. Why, if I had gone off to college I would have missed those precious years of Beans Family Fun with my mama and daddy still here on earth! But even yet, when you are struggling with money it's so easy to play the What-if-I-had game.
So, there I was fixing a set budget with my husband, wishing with all my might that I had a large paycheck coming in and if only I had gone to college, shortly after that we turned the lights off and went to sleep..........
My dream ,from what I remember of it, started with the fact that I had somehow invented a way to travel back in time. All I had to do was simply watch a home video and I would be instantly transported back to the time when that video was taken. I chose a video from when I was 12 years old. (Understand that the video and the circumstances of the video does not exist,it was simply one made up in my dream, however my 12 year old self, did look EXACTLY like I did at that very age)
My present-self now stood in front of past-Tabernacle Baptist Church. I had been transported back to see a Pioneer Girl play. (Those of you that know me, know that it would have been OBB Church, not TBC) I quickly pulled the collar of my coat up so that I would not be recognized by anyone and slipped into the church. I saw Pastor Johnson, who would NOT have been there 16 years ago, looking young and dapper! hehehehe The pews were gone and the seats were as movie theater seats and rows. The only seat I could find was right in the front row. I took a seat and the program began. My eyes scanned the choir of young girls till I saw my past-self in the back row. Should have known to look there, at 12 years old I was about 3 inches TALLER than most girls AND boys my age! I smiled and put my hand over my mouth in awe as I watched my past-self laugh and sing! I exclaimed what a fat nerd I used to be and quickly clamped my mouth shut hoping no one had heard. When Act I ended the girls came down the front of the platform to take a break till Act II and my past-self walked past my present-self. (Stay with me here,people lol) My past-self glanced and walked back in front of my present-self and said "WOW! you look familiar!!" My present-self stood up laughing and said "Hi it's me! I'm from the future, I invented a time machine and I came to see you" (No, I have not seen Back to the Future in about 2 years) My past-self thought that was awesome. My present-self then told her that she needed to go to college to become a chiropractor because she was going to need that money in the future because she was going to struggle if not. My past-self agreed to then hugged my present-self and excused herself to go do Act II. My present self reached out and grasped her one more time and said." One more thing, mom and dad are going to die, so love them and hug them as much as you can" My past-self placed a hand on her hip and said sarcastically," Gee, Way to make me feel good, April!" hehehehehhehehe lol I LOVE that part!! I was a smart mouth to MYSELF!!! You can't beat that! My past-self walked away and my present-self walked out of the church.
Instantly I was transported back to the present, and was driving my car home. (I don't know where I was, but anyway) As I was driving I looked down and my legs became slim, I was suddenly wearing pin strip pants and stiletto heels. With one hand on the wheel, I felt my stomach under my business suit top, and it was flat and rock hard. I watched in utter disbelief as my car was transformed into a shiny red Corvette. The car tires squealed as I screeched to a halt on the side of the road and fumbled out of the car. There I stood, towering over 6 foot with my sexy heels and perfectly tailored business suit!!!! Somehow a Chic pea coat appeared with pricey leather driving gloves. I ran my fingers through my fancy haircut. Yes, my hair was to my chin, I didn't seem to mind, since it framed my thin face very nicely. I started jumping up and the stiletto heels and didn't break my ankles! (now we know this is a dream lol!!) I was so happy I just kept yelling, " YES, OH YES, I LISTENED TO MYSELF!!!!"
I had become a successful chiropractor and along with it came a "perfect" size 4 body, and expensive material things. I jumped back into my flashy car and zoomed home to tell Jimmy that we didn't need to worry about money any longer. I pulled up and raced into the house but my room was just the way mom and dad left it when they died. I figured HELLO! I have a great job of course Jimmy and I aren't living with my sister. But, then it hit me....I fell to the ground on my knees, gasping for air....."NO, NO ,NO, NO,NO,NO, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" my breathing was dangerously heavy as it dawned on me....I went to college, I never went to Target as a second job.....I NEVER met Jimmy!!!!!!! There I was, in expensive clothes, with an expensive car, and a loaded bank account, but no Jimmy......
I woke up in a heaving sob and sat straight up. I was covered in a cold sweat and I desperately grabbed at Jimmy's side of the bed for him. He had already left for work so I scrambled across and shoved my face into his pillow and inhaled his scent. As my breathing calmed I thanked Jesus over and over again for my Jimmy. With tears I realized that I could have the world, and every material wish, but if I had never met Jimmy, I would have lost more than I could ever hope to gain.
I love my husband more than fancy clothes,or cars or anything else that this world can offer me and I'm thankful to the Lord for not always giving me what I think I need. He loves me enough to give me what makes this life worth living. I love Jesus and I love Jimmy, everything else is just a side salad!!