This was the phrase uttered in the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty. The three fairies were nearing the completion their task of hiding Princess Aurora for 16 years. They had volunteered to raise the princess in hiding to shield her from the evil plots of the enemy and now their job was winding to an end. The eldest fairy proclaims "We all knew this day had to come." and the youngest replies, "But why did it have to come so soon?
I'm feeling that way today. Though my task has been far from that of hiding her in a cottage in the woods! My very special girl/friend/neighbor/babysitee, Kristen Hubler, is leaving for college in nearly 4 days. This coming Thursday she will cram her belongings into the trunk and backseat of a car and drive off. Down the road. The ending of a chapter here in South River and a wide opened, blank page, brand new chapter to begin at Philedalphia Biblical University. I couldn't be more happy for her! So very honored and proud to know her and to see her mature into a beautiful young lady of GOD!
The first time I met little Kristen she was 5 years old and I babysat for her and her 3 siblings. We attended different churches at the time and I was recommended to the Hubler's through a mutual friend. She was always well behave and often drew me pictures and spelled my name out, writing the "p" in my name backwards every time! When she was 8 we began attending the same church and our friendship and love blossomed from there! She was spunky, friendly yet shy, always had a million and three jokes on hand and was ALWAYS chock full of energy. My mom used to give her piano lessons and she would jump up after every lesson and crawl under all the pews from the front to the back! My mom would meet her in the back, laugh and say, "What ARE you doing?" and then pat her on the head! haha! I remember that so well!
There was also the time when she was 10 and decided she wanted me to teach her how to crochet. She caught onto the chain making fairly quickly but could not grasp the double stitch backwards very well and decided that she just wanted to make the longest chain in the world...that thing was LONG when she got done with it! =D
As she grew, we remained close as ever. Even during a 2 year split from 2006-2008. I missed her so much then! When her family returned we picked up right where we had left off. She had always been my Kristen and I loved her so very much. Then those terrible words entered our vocabulary. SENIOR YEAR. I knew it wouldn't be long before she graduated and left me for college. I pushed those thoughts aside and enjoyed our last year together...but eventually June 2010 arrived...
Her graduation from Timothy Christian School was one of great joy! I clapped, cheered, attempted to whistle, and just out and out bounced up and down every time her name was mentioned. There was one part that I did not do any of those things. During the accomplishment and extra awards part she received the award for being the most likely in her graduating class to lead people to the LORD through the example of her life. I remember them announcing her name to receive it and though I tried to cheer, but my heart leaped into my throat and all I could do was beam widely with tears. She is such a precious girl! Inside, outside and all around! There was another part of the graduation ceremony when the graduates came down to find their parents in the audience. They presented a red rose to their mothers and then the parents were to pray over their children to be a light in this vast world for Jesus. I watched with tears and she presented the rose to her mom and then her father prayed over her. I was praying silently for her from the bleachers, tearing all the while, and when her father finished she turned right towards me and flashed a huge smile! I blew and kiss and waved and was so thankful for that moment. It was positively precious!
Now she's off. A new adventure in her life. New hurdles, new friends, new state, new rules, new classes, new life experiences and all the while she's still the same old bouncy, spirited, loving, enthralling, amazing Kristen that she ever was...
I knew this day had to come...but why did it have to come so soon?
Dear my Krissy-TEN,
I love you so very much! I have watched you grow from that young girl of 5, into the awesome girl of 18 that you are. We have shared joys and sorrows, gains and losses. All the while we have remained as close as could be. I am so thankful to the LORD that I was privileged to be in your life. Remember as you go, that you are not headed anywhere in life where GOD cannot be with you. So many new things are headed your way and Jesus will be by your side for every one of them! This is your life! Embrace it with all you have and live it to GOD's amazing glory, for it is ALL about HIM! I love you and I'm gonna miss you so very much!
You're gonna do great things, I already know! Tight hugs and a loving kiss on your forehead! =D
Psalm 20:4
"May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed"
Such a sweet post!
ReplyDeleteI know Kristen and all the Hublers! I taught Becky in 3rd grade!!! What a wonderful family!