Dear Seth,
You are 2 years, 6 months and 24 days old...the be exact =} I have loved EVERY month, week, day, hour, moment, and second that we have shared together. You came at the most perfect time. Did I ever tell you that? You see, after your Pa and Grammy passed away our family felt the huge void. Uncle Jimmy and I got married and longed to have a family of our own. In fact, my friends Miss Paula and Miss Holly and I had a pact that we would all have babies together. The problem was that Aunt Pooka had just assumed that her timing was GOD's timing and I had to learn the hard way that things don't happen at the snap of my finger. Miss Paula and Miss Holly were soon expecting and I was not. I was excited for them, but longed for my own baby. The joyous tidings of your impending arrival was welcomed news to my ears. At last I would be able to see and hold a precious baby of my own bloodline even though it wasn't me that was carrying you!
January 25, 2008 was such an amazing day! Miss Paula had just delivered Nora that Monday the 21st and there I was back in the delivery room with your Mommy only 4 days later! Same nurse, same doctor, same everything! We thought for sure that you would either be born on your Great Grandpa Layton's birthday (26th) or your Pa's birthday (27th), but you, my lovey, wanted your own day to yourself and made your grand entrance into this world at 11:26pm. What a tiny, fantastic, screeching bundle of cuteness! I loved you from the moment I saw you! So perfect and handsome! I took so many pictures that I am pretty sure you kept your eyes closed simply because of the flash! haha!!
We've been best buds since that day! You are perfect in my eyes and I tell your Mom that often, even after she shakes her head and disagrees! haha! I love you so very, very much and I love the time we spend together playing with toys or watching Mickey Mouse. You LOVE Mickey Mouse! You love the old classics and the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney Channel. Our favorite thing to do is curl up together with a FlaVor Ice Pop and watch them together! I can't wait until we go to Disney World in a few weeks! We are going to have a BLAST! We can go on the train and carousel as many times as you want! It's going to be so much fun!
Thank you for being my nephew and thank you for the joy you bring into my life. I love you so much more than I could ever explain! Hot dog, Hot dog, hot diggity dog!
Aunt Pooka
So beautiful! I'm sure he will treasure this letter.