Three favorite pastimes:
1. reading biographies
2. planning parties and vacations
3. preparing lesson plans for my preschool babies!
Three names I go by
1. Babe, My love (James)
2. Pooka (Seth & Gracie)
3. Apey (pretty much everyone else)
Three jobs I have had in my life
1. QC Supervisor at a printing company
2. Teacher's assistant for 2 & 3's
3. Nanny
Three places I have lived
1. Chestnut St, South River
2. Gordon St, South River
3. Jackson St, South River
Three favorite drinks
1. water with fresh lemon
2. sparkling water with fresh lemon
3. ginger ale with fresh lime
Three favorite colors:
1. purple
2. dark blue
3. dark green
Three TV shows that I watch
1. Barney
2. Buffy
3. Duggar's
Three places I have been
1. Disney World, Orlando!!!!
2. Louisville, KY (for T4G, an AMAZING pastor/youth pastor's conference!!)
3. Raleigh, NC to visit my wonderful aunt and uncle!
Three phrases you would like to hear:
1. "Babe, Praise GOD, I got a job! I start Monday!" (from my husband)
2. "Congratulations, Mrs. Dynarski, you're expecting triplets!!" (from my doctor)
3. "We don't want our Disney Vacation Club anymore and it's all paid off, so would you like all our points?" (from anyone haha! =)
Three animals you would like to own:
1. a white horse
2. a brown horse
3. a black horse
Three places you'd like to live:
1. on a farm in PA
2. on a farm in VA
3. on a farm in West VA
People that call/text me regularly
1. Paula
2. Katie
3. Jessica
Three people that have made an impact in your life:
1. Jesus
2. James
3. Mama &Daddy (they are one =)
Three of my favorite foods
1. salmon
2. chicken Caesar salad
3. any soup from Olive Garden
Three favorite vacation spots:
2. Gettysburg, PA
3. down the shore!
Three things I am looking forward to:
1. All the time I get to spend with Seth and Gracie!
2. Our trip to Gettysburg with the Beisser's in May
3. T4G coming again in a little over a year!
Three things that you've accomplished in the last month:
1. I decluttered and simplified my ENTIRE house!! (I LOVE this!! It took about 30 hours all together!)
2. I have lost another 15 pounds bringing the total loss to 29 pounds since Oct!!! (this is the first time I've posted anything about my weight loss. I have kept a low profile because too many compliments are known to be a pride issue for me. I am trying to focus on getting healthy in obedience to the LORD, not so people will compliment me =) I praise GOD for this amazing accomplishment, it's ALL because of the strength He gives me!
3. I have cut my spending habits drastically! (another GREAT accomplishment for the girl who thinks if she wants it, she should just BUY it!)