Oh my goodness, it has been soooo long since I blogged! Life seemed to have caught up with me after our trip to Disney World in September, and I don't think I've blogged since then! One of these days I will give you a rundown of our fantastical time in the wonderful world of Disney imagination! For now, I'd like to give you a quick recap of the time that has spanned since I last blogged.
Oct: I felt led of the LORD to leave my current positions and stay home to care for my niece and nephew. It was an emotional time speaking with each of the families and preparing them for my departure a mere 8 weeks from then. I had been with each family for a number of years and the children and I had developed a deep, loving relationship!
Nov: Thanksgiving was quiet and nice! The day was spent at my sister June's house where we laughed, ate, laughed, ate more and played lots of games! It was also very sad, as it was my first Thanksgiving EVER that my younger sister, Donna May, was not with us. Since she moved to Baton Rouge last July, I have not seen her ={..(and for the record, in case you're wondering, my Mama was pregnant with her on my first Thanksgiving, so this was indeed my very first Thanksgiving without her!)
Dec: This was a bittersweet month. I had to leave the children I had been with for over 5 years but I was given the awesome responsibility of caring for Seth and Gracie! Christmas was amazing, however, Seth did has a stomach virus that morning (poor boy!) and he couldn't sit up for very long, but watched quietly from the couch as his sister ripped into all of her gifts! James and i rang in the new year with great friends and a thankful prayer to the LORD for all that He provided in 2010!
...and here we are, JANUARY!
We have just entered our second week of preschool homeschool and it has been going swimmingly! Last week's highlights are:
Letter "A": We colored, sang about, and play-doh shaped this fantastic letter!
Number "1": We counted things around the room, colored a number "1" and sang a silly song about a number "1" who played the accordion!
Color RED: We grabbed our pointers and walked around the room pointing to anything RED that we could find. We colored with RED crayons and RED markers! We also got up to our elbows in RED finger paint (fun fun!)
Shape CIRCLE: We completed a worksheet where we put a big black "X" through any shape that was a CIRCLE! We also looked around and found some of our favorite things to play with are CIRCLES. Like all our balls (except our football of course!) our pretend cookies, our pretend pizza and all the pizza toppings, our play oranges, and even the cymbals in our musical instruments bag!
Geography: Seth can point out the USA, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Antarctica and Brazil! Gracie can point out USA and Canada...oh yes, and the compass because she LOVES it! She thinks it's a sun! LOL!
Bible Story time: GOD created the day and night. We put the sleeping doggie sticker with the sleeping boy, and the running doggie sticker with the boy that was playing! We also played a new favorite game where we line up three small pillows on the floor on one side of our schoolroom and our play kitchen stands at the other side with three play eggs waiting on a plate. We sit together and say, "GOD made the day, so I can play. GOD made the night, so I sleep tight!" Then one of us will say "nightime" and we run over and lay on a pillow and pretend to snore. Then someone says "daytime" and we jump up and run to "eat" our eggs! Back and forth, over and over! This was a fun game that produced a TON of laughter...(that pure, unadulterated laughter of precious children! It was wonderful!)
What an awesome week we had! There is so much more to share, like our library trip, our new favorite book that we borrowed called "Farmyard Lullaby", our daily calendar & what's the weather chart, our marching music class, and special story times but nap time is winding up so I must prepare snack. Today's snack is crispy Gala apples and vanilla yogurt!
Until next time!
Oh, how exciting to hear about what you are doing with Seth and Gracie! Good for you! Keep up the great work :)