Three years ago today I witnessed for the very first time, the birth of a baby! Not my own, of course, but the birth of my best friend's precious little girl, Nora Francis.
Paula, our friend Holly, and myself had all planned to get pregnant around the same time. We thought it would be a smash being pregnant together and having kids very close in age! They waited until I was married to try, so it would be fair, and even joked about abstaining until my wedding night! LOL! Although it was not in GOD's sovereign will for me to conceive, Paula became pregnant in April 2007 and Holly in May. I was ecstatic!! It didn't matter that I had not conceived, two of my very great friends were having babies! Then I found out that Sharon, my sister, was with child and that added to the excitement mix!!
When Paula thought she might be pregnant (Mon night, May 28th) she told me she was going to wait until that Friday to get a test. Well, I was certainly NOT going to wait that long and I dragged her to Walgreens in Milltown where we purchased a digital Clear Blue test. She came home and I made her, well, fill a cup if you know what I mean. I then kicked her out and called her husband, Steve, into the bathroom with me to see the results. We followed the directions and laid the test on the flat counter top and watched that little hour glass icon for what seemed like HOURS!! Then I saw it in the millisecond it took to switch to the word PREGNANT and I leaped into the air and screamed on the top of my lungs, scaring the life out of poor Steve who didn't read it as fast as I did!! I went sailing past him as he stood there trying to comprehend what had just happened!! haha! Poor guy!! What a fabulous wonderful memorable night!
238 days later, Nora Francis arrived! With a head full of black hair and cute chubby cheeks, she was simply perfect! My Paula had asked me to be in the delivery room with her and I happily, joyously, excitedly said YES!!!!! It was a night that I will never forget! There is nothing disgusting or gross about a birth, it is all so beautiful and wonderful! Our Loving LORD gave such an amazing gift to the female race! I am so thankful for a friend (and my sister who gave birth to Seth 4 days later) for allowing me to share in the joy of childbirth!
Happy, Happy Birthday Nora Francis! I love you so very, very much!!!
Hey! Why is the top photo sideways? It was fine when it uploaded? Oh well, LOL!