I love to hear your voice! Your laughter and your singing warms me like a pot belly stove on a cold, dreary, and snowy day! You laugh at anything that strikes your little fancy! Sometimes you'll laugh hysterically just because you caught me looking at you! I love this so much about you! You have such a pretty singing voice and you're not even 2 years old yet! You sing ALL THE TIME! You sing yourself and your brother to sleep and you always awaken first and sing your brother awake. This amuses him very much! I can hear you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider to him and when you add "BOO!" at the end I can hear him laugh around the fingers he's still sucking on! You love to sing Jesus Loves Me and last week when you wandered away from me in the library, Seth and I could hear you from the next aisle over singing it! We laughed and said "silly DeeDee!"
You are joy and sunshine in my life and I can't imagine the world without you! Thank you for being my lovey girl, "Groocie"
I love you, love you, love you!!!
Awww, so sweet!