The following Youtube video is my absolute favorite video of all!! It might be because my nephew Scotty, stars as Captain Black Bean, or maybe because my nephew Seth, has a small supporting role, but I like to think it's because it's just SOOO incredibly funny!! This video, shot for Sayre Woods Bible Church's 2010 VBS promo, captures Scotty's Charlie Chaplin-like actions and reactions! The first time I saw this video last week, I nearly passed out from laughing so hard! It's just sooooo Scotty!! The music, the fast motion settings, the facial expresions, everything! I love, love, love it and the I give big props to the boys that filmed/cut this video. You all did a fantastic job!...and I must mention, once more, the cute little boy with the shovel was a perfect choice! He's so lovable! hehee
Watch and enjoy the pride and joys of this Auntie!
p.s. plus seeing Pastor Joe chasing him with a broom is off the hook HYSTERICAL!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Happy Birthday, Scotty!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Word of Life!
Good Morning, everyone! I don't have too much time, but I wanted to quick write and tell you a little bit about how our vacation is going. James and I are up at Word of Life Inn, Schroon Lake, NY. I awakened this morning at 6:15am to the sounds of birds chirping outside my open window...yes, I said OPEN WINDOW! The weather outside was a cool56 degrees and the air was fresh and heavenly! Gotta love the Adirondack Mountains! hehe
James and i have bee here since Saturday. After a 5 hour drive, we dropped Rebecca H, Rebecca D, Sarah D, and Kassidy K at the boat dock for Word of Life Island where they will be spending the week. James and I then drove up the hill and checked into our room at the WOL Inn. We are in a fabulous room at the conference center and loving every moment!
We have heard amazing messages from Dr. Joe Jordan and Pastor Ray Pritchard!...oopps, I've got to get ready! It's almost time for Morning Bible Hour #1 with Pastor Erwin Lutzer, of Moody Bible Church. He is simply wonderful and I look forward to what GOD will show me in His Word today!
A few quotes from yesterdays messages that stuck with me and I've been chewing on...
1. When trials enter my life, I am to be a student and LEARN what GOD wants me to glean from it. I should not be a victim and complain, groan and whine about what isn't fair in the situation...
2. When I suffer trials, I do not suffer them alone. There are many, many people in my life that I don't realize are watching to see my reactions and if I truly live what I say I believe.
LORD, May I bring honor to Your Name today in all of my actions. Thank You for giving me this opportunity to be up here on this mountain. Prepare my heart to hear what You want me to this day and may I take what I learn and apply it to my life. In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN!
James and i have bee here since Saturday. After a 5 hour drive, we dropped Rebecca H, Rebecca D, Sarah D, and Kassidy K at the boat dock for Word of Life Island where they will be spending the week. James and I then drove up the hill and checked into our room at the WOL Inn. We are in a fabulous room at the conference center and loving every moment!
We have heard amazing messages from Dr. Joe Jordan and Pastor Ray Pritchard!...oopps, I've got to get ready! It's almost time for Morning Bible Hour #1 with Pastor Erwin Lutzer, of Moody Bible Church. He is simply wonderful and I look forward to what GOD will show me in His Word today!
A few quotes from yesterdays messages that stuck with me and I've been chewing on...
1. When trials enter my life, I am to be a student and LEARN what GOD wants me to glean from it. I should not be a victim and complain, groan and whine about what isn't fair in the situation...
2. When I suffer trials, I do not suffer them alone. There are many, many people in my life that I don't realize are watching to see my reactions and if I truly live what I say I believe.
LORD, May I bring honor to Your Name today in all of my actions. Thank You for giving me this opportunity to be up here on this mountain. Prepare my heart to hear what You want me to this day and may I take what I learn and apply it to my life. In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Some poems...

The following is a poem that I wrote when my Daddy went Home to be with Jesus. This particular poem took me 8 1/2 min to write and I wrote it within the hour that he passed away. My Mama loved it (as well as my sblings) and we printed it out on his funeral program. I feel that it captures who my Dad was and the realization that he closed his eyes here on Earth, amid the pain and agony of a progressive cancer, and opened them to see the loving face of his Master, King Jesus!
There are a few things, inside info you could say, that I'd like to explain so you can get the full grasp of what I wrote. When Scotty was born and as he grew up, we all went from calling my Dad, "Daddy", to calling him Pa. Scotty started it and it kinda stuck =}...My Daddy passed away at 11:50am on Wednesday, March 23, 2005...Face to Face was written by Grant Colfax Tullar, 1898 and I have used a verse without written consent....My Dad always said I loves you. Always added the "s" onto love, that was just his thing =}...Daddy and Mommy called each other their "penguin" and Daddy started the Penguin 1 & Penguin 2 when I was in my teens and it was hysterical. Whenever there was walkie talkies around Daddy always had to give mom one and run around the house with the other just so he could say, "Penguin 1 to Penguin 2, come in Penguin 2, over"...Mom laughed so hard (with tears) when she read the end of the poem. She told me it was perfect! I hope you enjoy this.
Hi everyone, it's Pa
Im writing from above
I just had to tell you
About this wondrous love
On Wednesday morn, I suffered
Breathing was a strain
but right before the strike of noon
My Savior eased my pain
It was so incredible
One moment I was there
Then in the twinkiling of an eye
All I could do was stare
For right in front of me
Stood my Jesus and my King
And as I fell down on my knees
I couldn't help but sing
"Face to face, O blissful moment
Face to face to see and know
Face to face with my Redeemer
Jesus Christ Who loves me so"
Then He put His arms around me
And helped me up, to stand
He said,"Well done My servant,
Welcome to the Promised Land"
And in that glorious moment
As I walked the streets of gold
My eyes beheld the wonders
Of all that we've been told
From the mansions, to the angels
To the flowing crystal sea
All the riches and the glory
Have been bestowed on me
I am doing fine here
I just wanted to say "hi"
And remind you, Jesus holds you
Every time you cry
I'm going now, I loves you
I'm gonna run and shout
I miss you all, I'll see you soon
Penguin 1, over and out!
The next is a poem I wrote about my relationship with my Dad. He was the one to scoop me up when I fell down as a child, he was the one to hold me in his arms when the first boy I liked was no longer interested. I don't wanna spoil the ending of the poem, but the last section speaks volumes about my life and how I got through losing my Daddy at 25...
I was just a little girl
with tears pouring down
As I clutched my little hand
and sat crying on the ground
And that was when he came
He ran to help me stand
He sat me down upon his knee
and kissed my skinned up hand
And I said "Daddy,
Make it go away,
this pain hurts so much
I don't want it to stay"
And Daddy said,"Time,
healing takes time,
I am here for you
Remember you are mine"
I was in my early 20's
with tears pouring down
for my first broken heart
left me trampled on the ground
And that was when he came
He ran to help me stand
He kissed my tear stained cheeks
and stroked my trembling hand
And I said "Daddy,
Make it go away,
This pain hurts so much
I don't want it to stay"
And Daddy said,"Time,
Healing takes time
I am here for you
Remember you are mine"
I was only twenty-five
With tears pouring down
And I watched in empty silence
As they laid him in the ground
And that was when He came
He ran to help me stand
And though I could not see Him
I knew He held my hand
And I said, "Jesus,
Please make it go away
This pain, it hurts so much
I don't want it to stay"
And Jesus whispered, "Time
Healing takes time
I am here for you
Remember you are Mine"
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Seventeen Already?!?! - Part 2

June, as a single mother, had to work long hours so I was responsible for caring for Scotty for a lot of the day. Mom used it as part of my homeschooling. She was training me to care for my own family one day. I loved watching him! I did have my other schoolwork to complete as well, so I did not get to be with him in the mornings. Usually after I fed him lunch, I rocked him to sleep and then went back to finish the remainder of school. After nap time I got to play with him or take him outside. After dinner I would bathe him and then massage him with baby lotion. He LOVED to have his back rubbed and would laugh hysterically when rubbed his feet and toes! In the spring, summer and sometimes fall, I would be allowed to take him for an evening walk in the stroller. Those were some of the best times! "Wass dat?" was his favorite phrase!... One evening when he was 2, we saw a birdie get hit by a car and roll to the curb dead. It was very sad to see and I had no idea how to answer the question that followed. "Birdie seepin'?", 15 years later and that still makes me say "awwwww!"
Scotty's Favorite Things:
1.His pacifier, lovingly called "NUK-ie" was ever present in his toddler years. He loved that thing more than anything! He had an array of NUK-ies around, all different colors and sizes. My favorite, most entertaining thing to do was to stick it in his mouth upside down and watch him flip it with his tongue. I have no idea why this was so hysterical to me but it made me laugh every time! haha! Even now just thinking about it!
2. His "ca-co-mok cup-ies"...chocolate milk in his blue sippie cup. If I had a dollar for every cup of chocolate milk I made him, I'd be writing this blog from my beach house in Ocean City! haha!
3.Walking around with a blanket on his head. I still have no idea why he did this! He would take the twin size comforter from his mother's bed and put it over his head and walk around. One day (3-ish) when he did this he walked into the kitchen where Donna had been struggling to get a closet door open. The door was prone to sticking and she was pulling with all her might. He waddled up, still covered in the comforter, and I think was attempting to grab her when the door released and came flying open and right into him! We gasped and Donna grabbed the door and we stared at his still figure. What he did next is for the comical books of history. He fell straight forward to the floor!! He didn't put his hands up or bend his knees to break the fall, he just fell straight forward, flat on his face! Donna and I heard him mumble from inside the blanket "tweet, tweet, tweet" simulating little birdies flying in a circle above his head!! I believe I fell to the floor from laughing so hard and I'm pretty sure Donna was sprawled across the kitchen table gasping for breath from the hysteria of what he'd done! He was definitely our comic relief!
4. He loved to be a cowboy. He was obsessed with John Wayne movies and Toy Story. Nearly every day he wore hi sheriff's vest with silver star, his 2 gun holster (he wasn't allowed to take the guns outside), his cowboy hat, and his cowboy boots. He would march around with movie reels running through his head and ride his little toy rolling horsie. The imagination of Andy, from the movie Toy Story, had nothing on Scotty. He had a unique, unparalleled way of playing and did all his own stunts! This included being shot off of his high jumpy horse which stood 3 feet off the floor as well as squeezing between the bathtub and toilet to "hide out"! He took his job as sheriff very seriously. One of the best places to take him was Gettysburg, because he could wear his get-up, including guns and not be out of place. At 3 1/2 we vacationed there and I was walking down the main street with him in his outfit. While we were pssing one of the restaurants there was an elderly couple sitting on a bench in front. As we past by the elderly gentleman hollered out, "Howdy, Sheriff!" Scotty stopped dead in his tracks, staring straight ahead and reached with his right hand to grasp his gun. As he slowly withdrew it he turned to his right to stare the man down. Gun raised, he cocked pistol and the elderly man said, "It wasn't me, Sheriff, I'm just a-passin' through!" Scotty lowered the gun, holstered it, nodded to the couple, swung back around and continued his path! I thought the couple was gonna die! They were laughing so hard! I was to busy doing the silent laughter and clutching my sides in pain! Ya don't mess with Sheriff Scotty in Gettysburg!
5.He loved to sing in church. It was always very interesting to hear how he translated the words. "What a mighty GOD, reach erve" (What a Mighty God We Serve").."Jesus made me glad, Jesus made me glad" (He Has Made Me Glad) "So-ler-ent night, Hole-ery Night (Silent Night, Holy Night)..and there was NO correcting him! haha! If I told him the correct words he would shake his head and correct ME! haha!
Oh my Smooch! You were such a cute little boy! haha! I had so many nicknames for you up until you were 3. Your first nickname was Poonie-Woonie (aren't you glad I changed that?) Then came Foonie-baby, then Cheek-o and finally one day when I had to leave you I said, "Come here and give me a little smooch" and thus was born your final nickname. My Smooch!! haha! I love you!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Seventeen Already?!?! - Part 1

Never did that number seem so daunting to me! I recall reaching that age in the year 1996. It was a simple step in my life and there wasn't much fuss and no cute phrases attached to it like the Sweet 16 year before. I didn't feel much different and there was really nothing to report. I daresay I really don't recall much about that particular birthday. So then why does that simple number have my emotions flying left and right, up and down, round and round?
Scotty's 17th birthday is next week!
When did this happen? When did he go from my little boy "Smooch" to this young man? I look at him in shock and I literally have no words to express myself (but, I will try, because then it will be a boring blog)
Over the next week, I would like to share stories of my Scotty and some adventures we have shared over the last 17 years. He has been my best little friend since the day we first met. I love him so much and hope that one day I will show these blogs to his wife-to-be and give her her a glimpse into the life of this amazing boy, through the eyes of his FAVORITE Aunt, Pookie =}
Scotty. My little bundle of joy. Born to my sister, June, a mere 2 1/2 months after my 14th birthday on July 29, 1993. So cute and precious and just as perfect as could be. I remember not being allowed to visit him in the hospital because I was too young (you had to be 16). Mom brought me home Polaroid pictures, but it wasn't the same. I longed to meet him, hold him and see him live!
I remember changing his diaper for the first time at a few days old and he had quite the surprise for me! June hovered over me and pointed out everything that I was doing wrong. haha. I was so annoyed with her, but I can understand her reactions. This was her baby and she wanted everything done perfectly...she got over that!
I also remember the first time I was allowed to watch him alone. It was our first of adventures! He was only a few weeks old and I volunteered to stay with him while the family went for ice cream at Magnifico's on RT 18. We had been under a severe thunderstorm watch and after everyone had left I peered through the picture window as dark clouds rolled in. That was when I saw them...I'll NEVER forget it...dark GREEN circulating clouds. I remember the dread. I had read so much about weather, it had ALWAYS fascinated me. I knew what that meant, it was the perfect recipe for a tornado! My 14 year old heart nearly stopped beating, but soon my panic was replaced with the realization that I was alone and responsible for this tiny, helpless baby. I sprang into action and wrapped him into a tight swaddle. I grabbed an extra blanket and fled from our 2nd story apartment, outside, around the back of the house, to the cellar. I remember clutching him in one arm as I struggled with keeping my frightened hand steady since it was trembling too much to unlock the big door. Finally, I managed to insert the key and turn it the correct way. I flung open the door and carefully descended down the steep, dark and damp wooden steps and stood huddled with 3 week old Scotty determining in my mind how I would cover him safely if the twister should strike the house head on. My mind raced wildly and tears began to form but I recall blinking them back, trying to be brave and began praying that the tornado, if it had touched down, would pass us by. The never officially was an actual tornado, though it was said that a funnel tip touched down in an East Brunswick apartment complex and tore the roof off of one of the buildings. (The winds that were associated with the super cell were enough to simulate an F1, at least in my book!) The winds soon died down and I emerged from the cellar thankful that the LORD had spared us. Everyone arrived home shortly later and it was a barrage or stories about what happened and what they saw from their car windows, stranded in the paring lot of the ice cream place. I felt proud that I had survived it alone with baby Scotty. Mama and Daddy called me brave and said I was a quick thinker and very smart to flee to the cellar!
What a scary, awesome adventure we had, Smooch. I'm very grateful to GOD that He was with us that day and watched over all of our family! I should have known that day, that life with you was going to be anything but boring!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ten Reasons I love my James

1. He loves the LORD with all his heart and has such a burden for reaching lost souls with the saving knowledge of Jesus.
2. He always wants to kiss and snuggle me and chases me out the door (and down the block a few times) if I try to go to work without kissing him goodbye 10 times!
3. He gives the best foot and back massages.
4. He is not afraid of housework or cooking and after a 12 hour day at work it's nice to come home to see everything so clean and smell yummy food!
5. He is not happy with himself unless he knows he is doing EVERYTHING he can to provide for me.
6. He knows I have a head full of dreams and crazy ideas and never mocks anything my crazy mind comes up with...and when he needs to talk me down from a high-flying plan of adventure he does it gently and with love, patience and kindness
7. We fit together so well and we only argue a handful of times each year, and he's very easy to make up with!
8. He is humble and will adjust his attitude and actions if he is perceived as being arrogant or prideful.
9. He still has such a love and respect for my parents, although they are no longer with us. (He was my Mom's favorite and she ALWAYS took his side on everything...He was my Dad's choice for me and he was also one of the last people Daddy recognized just days before he passed away)
10. I love how much he loves me and shows me every day in actions, in his eyes and in his touch!
I love you James Dynarski! I'm so glad it was you that GOD gave to me! You are far better than anything I hoped and prayed for! I am a blessed woman, just to have you as MY husband! You are the BEST and I love you a milliondy-billiondy, my little snuggly-pot!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Narnia Costume Party
Today was an awesome day! Our very special friends came to our costume dinner party! These fabulous parties started when Rachel (8) and Mary (6) invited us to a special Star Wars dinner party! (I will blog about that party at another time) James and I decided to throw a costume party since they had so nicely done the same and invited us! We decided on a Narnia dinner party because we all LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia books!
Our lovely friends showed up around 5:30. Paula was dressed like the Pevensie mother, she looked a lot like Mary Poppins hehe, Rachel was dressed as Susan, Mary came as Lucy and little Nora (2) was very excited to tell me she was Edmund! Her "favorite handsome boy!" LOL! I know, a 2 year old! hehe Sooo cute!
The funniest part was when Steve debuted HIS costume. He stood in all black and had us close our eyes and when we opened them, he had plopped a cut out cardboard box, with doors and a latch! He was the WARDROBE!! We all laughed so hard!! It was HYSTERICAL!
So, for dinner I made...wait, what???...OH!! I did forget to tell you what James and I dressed as, sorry! hehe I was the white witch. I dressed in my wedding gown (hey, I couldn't spend THAT much on it and only wear it ONCE!) I had a blond wig and James made me a scepter out of a HUGE plastic straw and tin foil! hehe James was dressed as the dwarf, Nickabrick, from Prince Caspian. His long gray beard was funny looking and it reminded me to thank him for always shaving and not growing it out! haha
Now, onto the meal...To make the party authentic I looked up several English food recipes and prepared everything from scratch. We had shepherd's pie, toad in the hole (sausage in a yummy pot pie crust), mushy broccoli, and scones. Everything was super delicious but for some reason I could not try the toad in the hole. I don't know if it was the name or what, but when I got a look at it after James' scooped it onto my plate, I dry heaved! Weird reaction! I don't generally have that kind of reaction to any type of food! haha! I think it was the combination of the name and the fact that sausage isn't exactly my favorite food. Who knows?!
After dinner we played hide and seek, because that is what the Pevensie children play when the wardrobe is discovered. Steve counted first and Mary and I darted to the kitchen and hid on the side of my fridge. It's a perfect fit and since it's against the far wall no one can walk past and see us! The only chance someone had to spy us is if they walked into my bathroom and turned around, which Steve eventually did! hehe It was so much fun! We played a few more rounds and then settled in to watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!
About 45 min into the movie, I jumped up to serve dessert. A fabulous strawberry cream pie (I cheated a little and just used a store graham crust), homemade shortbread and jam (it came out a little dry, but my guests were so kind and gobbled it up anyway!) and Turkish Delight! We HAD to have Turkish Delight! It's IN the movie! hehe
The movie ended at 9:15 and we said our goodbyes to some very tired girls. The night was a success and a super fun time!
"Dear Father, Thank You so much for good friends and special times that we can have together. Thank You for allowing us to have fun and be creative! You are an Awesome GOD and I thank You for the gift of laughter and love! In Jesus' Name, Amen"
Friday, July 9, 2010
A Letter to Mom

Dear Mommy,
It's been 45 months, today, since you left me. I'll never forget that day as long as I live. It was Columbus Day 2006 and I had worked a full day because the kids had off. My day was so super stressful that day, Mom. My wedding was in 12 days, Jimmy's house was on the market and not selling and I was still learning to deal with everyday life and activities since losing Daddy the year before. I came home that evening angry at the world, stressed to the hilt and sat down to check my email. After signing onto my AOL account I saw the list of people on and quickly signed on to my secret screen name so no one would talk to me. After a few moments I heard the familiar "brrrr-iiing" of an IM. There you were, IM-ing me on my secret name! I half smiled and was so confused as to how you had found me! You told me that you had checked out my laptop when you were bored the day before at the house. You had seen my secret name and jotted it down to log onto your friend's list so that you could find me if I were ever hiding. I remember laughing out loud and secretly feeling so grateful to have someone to talk to. I unloaded the spew of my day and you listened and typed encouraging things to me. "Oh, Pook, you're doing fine. Those kids need you and it was just a bad day"...Then you told me you weren't feeling well and you were going to go lay down. You typed "Good-bye Pook" and signed off. Less than 2 hours later you would close your eyes here on Earth and open them in eternity. I often think...even 45 months later...what you saw in that moment. I know it was Jesus! You were gone so fast from me and yet it's so reassuring to know that you left me for the arms of Jesus! What an AWESOME Savior I serve! Such hope and love!
I still miss you though. So very, very much! I remember the day before you left, you had played special music in church. You played "In Times Like These". I cling to the words of that song to this day. I know that the LORD led you to play that song as your last special music...
"In times like these you need a Savior
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One;
This Rock is Jesus, the only One!
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
In times like these you need the Bible,
In times like these O be not idle;
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One;
This Rock is Jesus, the only One!
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
In times like these I have a Savior,
In times like these I have an anchor;
I'm very sure, I'm very sure
My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!"
...Oh Mama, I'm so glad you are in Heaven with Jesus, but sometimes out of my own selfish desires, I wish you were here to talk to. Sometimes, like today, I feel the weight of the world. James is out of work and unemployment runs out in 2 months, the car repair bill just came in, I'm down to one job until mid-August, we've gone through all of James' retirement money...but I know what you would say if you were here. You'd tell me to secure my anchor, Jesus, and grip the solid Rock! (then Daddy would pop in a say that we serve a GOD Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and the LORD will sell a few if He has to just to get me through, haha! I miss Daddy's whacked humor)You would say "It's OK, Pook" and then tell me about one of the numerous times that the LORD provided for our family in a seemingly out-of-nowhere way. I have comfort in those stories of faithfulness and provisions of our Loving Father!!
Thank you, Mommy, for being a faithful wife and mother. Thank you for raising me to trust and obey the Only Living LORD! Thank you for your love that lasts, even to this day. I miss you so much and look forward to the day when Jesus I will see. After seeing His marvelous face and worshiping at His feet, I look forward to wrapping my arms around you once again and laying my head on your shoulder (I'm pretty sure we will all be the same height in Heaven so I can do this without cricking my back! hehe)I look forward to hearing your voice and seeing those precious hands reach out to stroke my forehead the way they did so many times throughout my life. Thank you for being my Mommy. I love you so very much!
Your April Joy...aka Pook
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July Weekend!

Happy 4th of July!
On this fabulous weekend of our nation's 234th birthday an array of festivities were lived and seen through the eyes of the Dynarski couple, James and April, as well their lovable niece Gracie and nephew Seth
Saturday: I was up around 7am and had my prayer and devotion time. James, who was slightly more tired than usual slept in until 8am. The cuties, Seth and Gracie arrived about 8:45 for the parade. James, Seth and I were all dressed in matching dark blue Old Navy America shirts & jean shorts and Gracie had on a sunsuit with a red and white striped top and blue starred bottom. They were very lovable and cute! hehe. Our friends, the Beisser Clan (Steve, Paula, Rachel(8) Mary(6) and Nora(2), arrived at 9am, dressed in their red,white and blueness, and we all headed over to the Milltown 4th of July parade. Even though the parade doesn't start until 10am, you must arrive in Milltown up to an hour early to get a spot in the shade. The 9 of us found a beautiful shaded spot under a cluster of trees a couple blocks before the end of the parade route! We had a wonderful time in the hour or so before the parade made it to us, just laughing, talking and playing. Pretty soon we heard a "rat-a-tum, rat-a-tat, boom, boom!" and the parade sounds drew closer and soon we saw an array of colors, flags, people, candy, cars, trucks, clowns, and animals! What a spectacular parade! We stood for every American flag and for every war veteran that passed us by. We also stood and cheered loud as could be for the Right to Life marchers! One of the Right to Lifers stopped and took a picture of me holding Seth and Gracie cheering! Unfortunately my mouth was wide open when he snapped it, so I hope he gets a hoot and holler out of my funny face! haha
After the parade the Beisser and Dynarski/Lane's headed our separate ways for lunch and after nap time we reconvened at the Beisser home for a swim! We swam (yes, me, in the KIDDIE pool haha) and had BBQ burgers and chips for dinner. Sharon and Tommy arrived around 6 to take Seth and Gracie home. James and I stayed and had movie night with our friends and enjoyed ourselves immensely! What a fantastic day!
Sunday: It was my day to sleep in a little and I snoozed until 9am. Church was wonderful! Our visiting missionaries, Tom and Sharon Huckel gave a wonderful message and special music. They are in Jewish missions in the city of Philadelphia. James and I hosted them for the day and had a wonderful time! Tom and Sharon knew my Mama and Daddy from years ago and it is always a special time seeing them. The memories they have are ones that I love to hear over and over. Since it was such a busy, and HOT weekend, we opted to eat out instead of heating the house up with cooking. We ate at the Sayreville Diner, which I'm afraid, could have used some COLDER air conditioning! It was a little sweaty in there! The afternoon was spent in the welcomed coolness of our family room where we discussed everything from tattoos to theology! I love them so much and I loved every moment of time we had with them. Tom spoke at the evening service as well and afterwards they invited James and I to dinner! I thought for sure they would have wanted to head home and felt very special that they wished to continue spending more time with us! Our dinner at IHOP was simply wonderful and I think if I had laughed anymore that night my sides would have split! I told James later on that night that the day we spent with the Huckels, was a glimpse as to what it would have been like to spend a day with my Mama and Daddy if they had lived. I was amazing and I thank the LORD for that very special time and for being in our midst and in our conversation! Thank you LORD Jesus, for a wonderful weekend with amazing people!
Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine..."
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