Friday, July 30, 2010

A Sure Laugh

The following Youtube video is my absolute favorite video of all!! It might be because my nephew Scotty, stars as Captain Black Bean, or maybe because my nephew Seth, has a small supporting role, but I like to think it's because it's just SOOO incredibly funny!! This video, shot for Sayre Woods Bible Church's 2010 VBS promo, captures Scotty's Charlie Chaplin-like actions and reactions! The first time I saw this video last week, I nearly passed out from laughing so hard! It's just sooooo Scotty!! The music, the fast motion settings, the facial expresions, everything! I love, love, love it and the I give big props to the boys that filmed/cut this video. You all did a fantastic job!...and I must mention, once more, the cute little boy with the shovel was a perfect choice! He's so lovable! hehee

Watch and enjoy the pride and joys of this Auntie!

p.s. plus seeing Pastor Joe chasing him with a broom is off the hook HYSTERICAL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, April! That was too funny! I loved seeing Pastor Douglass and I can just imagine him really doing that to someone! Loved it!!!!

