Never did that number seem so daunting to me! I recall reaching that age in the year 1996. It was a simple step in my life and there wasn't much fuss and no cute phrases attached to it like the Sweet 16 year before. I didn't feel much different and there was really nothing to report. I daresay I really don't recall much about that particular birthday. So then why does that simple number have my emotions flying left and right, up and down, round and round?
Scotty's 17th birthday is next week!
When did this happen? When did he go from my little boy "Smooch" to this young man? I look at him in shock and I literally have no words to express myself (but, I will try, because then it will be a boring blog)
Over the next week, I would like to share stories of my Scotty and some adventures we have shared over the last 17 years. He has been my best little friend since the day we first met. I love him so much and hope that one day I will show these blogs to his wife-to-be and give her her a glimpse into the life of this amazing boy, through the eyes of his FAVORITE Aunt, Pookie =}
Scotty. My little bundle of joy. Born to my sister, June, a mere 2 1/2 months after my 14th birthday on July 29, 1993. So cute and precious and just as perfect as could be. I remember not being allowed to visit him in the hospital because I was too young (you had to be 16). Mom brought me home Polaroid pictures, but it wasn't the same. I longed to meet him, hold him and see him live!
I remember changing his diaper for the first time at a few days old and he had quite the surprise for me! June hovered over me and pointed out everything that I was doing wrong. haha. I was so annoyed with her, but I can understand her reactions. This was her baby and she wanted everything done perfectly...she got over that!
I also remember the first time I was allowed to watch him alone. It was our first of adventures! He was only a few weeks old and I volunteered to stay with him while the family went for ice cream at Magnifico's on RT 18. We had been under a severe thunderstorm watch and after everyone had left I peered through the picture window as dark clouds rolled in. That was when I saw them...I'll NEVER forget it...dark GREEN circulating clouds. I remember the dread. I had read so much about weather, it had ALWAYS fascinated me. I knew what that meant, it was the perfect recipe for a tornado! My 14 year old heart nearly stopped beating, but soon my panic was replaced with the realization that I was alone and responsible for this tiny, helpless baby. I sprang into action and wrapped him into a tight swaddle. I grabbed an extra blanket and fled from our 2nd story apartment, outside, around the back of the house, to the cellar. I remember clutching him in one arm as I struggled with keeping my frightened hand steady since it was trembling too much to unlock the big door. Finally, I managed to insert the key and turn it the correct way. I flung open the door and carefully descended down the steep, dark and damp wooden steps and stood huddled with 3 week old Scotty determining in my mind how I would cover him safely if the twister should strike the house head on. My mind raced wildly and tears began to form but I recall blinking them back, trying to be brave and began praying that the tornado, if it had touched down, would pass us by. The never officially was an actual tornado, though it was said that a funnel tip touched down in an East Brunswick apartment complex and tore the roof off of one of the buildings. (The winds that were associated with the super cell were enough to simulate an F1, at least in my book!) The winds soon died down and I emerged from the cellar thankful that the LORD had spared us. Everyone arrived home shortly later and it was a barrage or stories about what happened and what they saw from their car windows, stranded in the paring lot of the ice cream place. I felt proud that I had survived it alone with baby Scotty. Mama and Daddy called me brave and said I was a quick thinker and very smart to flee to the cellar!
What a scary, awesome adventure we had, Smooch. I'm very grateful to GOD that He was with us that day and watched over all of our family! I should have known that day, that life with you was going to be anything but boring!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe he is going to be 17! Wow, time flies!