Today was an awesome day! Our very special friends came to our costume dinner party! These fabulous parties started when Rachel (8) and Mary (6) invited us to a special Star Wars dinner party! (I will blog about that party at another time) James and I decided to throw a costume party since they had so nicely done the same and invited us! We decided on a Narnia dinner party because we all LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia books!
Our lovely friends showed up around 5:30. Paula was dressed like the Pevensie mother, she looked a lot like Mary Poppins hehe, Rachel was dressed as Susan, Mary came as Lucy and little Nora (2) was very excited to tell me she was Edmund! Her "favorite handsome boy!" LOL! I know, a 2 year old! hehe Sooo cute!
The funniest part was when Steve debuted HIS costume. He stood in all black and had us close our eyes and when we opened them, he had plopped a cut out cardboard box, with doors and a latch! He was the WARDROBE!! We all laughed so hard!! It was HYSTERICAL!
So, for dinner I made...wait, what???...OH!! I did forget to tell you what James and I dressed as, sorry! hehe I was the white witch. I dressed in my wedding gown (hey, I couldn't spend THAT much on it and only wear it ONCE!) I had a blond wig and James made me a scepter out of a HUGE plastic straw and tin foil! hehe James was dressed as the dwarf, Nickabrick, from Prince Caspian. His long gray beard was funny looking and it reminded me to thank him for always shaving and not growing it out! haha
Now, onto the meal...To make the party authentic I looked up several English food recipes and prepared everything from scratch. We had shepherd's pie, toad in the hole (sausage in a yummy pot pie crust), mushy broccoli, and scones. Everything was super delicious but for some reason I could not try the toad in the hole. I don't know if it was the name or what, but when I got a look at it after James' scooped it onto my plate, I dry heaved! Weird reaction! I don't generally have that kind of reaction to any type of food! haha! I think it was the combination of the name and the fact that sausage isn't exactly my favorite food. Who knows?!
After dinner we played hide and seek, because that is what the Pevensie children play when the wardrobe is discovered. Steve counted first and Mary and I darted to the kitchen and hid on the side of my fridge. It's a perfect fit and since it's against the far wall no one can walk past and see us! The only chance someone had to spy us is if they walked into my bathroom and turned around, which Steve eventually did! hehe It was so much fun! We played a few more rounds and then settled in to watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!
About 45 min into the movie, I jumped up to serve dessert. A fabulous strawberry cream pie (I cheated a little and just used a store graham crust), homemade shortbread and jam (it came out a little dry, but my guests were so kind and gobbled it up anyway!) and Turkish Delight! We HAD to have Turkish Delight! It's IN the movie! hehe
The movie ended at 9:15 and we said our goodbyes to some very tired girls. The night was a success and a super fun time!
"Dear Father, Thank You so much for good friends and special times that we can have together. Thank You for allowing us to have fun and be creative! You are an Awesome GOD and I thank You for the gift of laughter and love! In Jesus' Name, Amen"
What a great idea! I love it!